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Xiushui, Jiangxi: Thesis was written in the mulberry garden, and the small courtyard cultivated big industries

The traditional agricultural industry in Xiushui County, Jiangxi Province has “two “Tea and Mulberry” etc., the masses are highly motivated to develop. Xiushui Co…

The traditional agricultural industry in Xiushui County, Jiangxi Province has “two “Tea and Mulberry” etc., the masses are highly motivated to develop. Xiushui County has a long history of planting mulberry and raising sericulture. The sericulture industry is the county’s traditional agricultural pillar industry. The sericulture planting area reaches more than 93,000 acres and is distributed in more than 20 towns and villages. There are more than 20,000 households engaged in the sericulture industry in the county.

July 2021, relying on revision “Jiangxi Xiushui Mulberry Field Sericulture Co., Ltd.” in Huangxi Village, Ma’ao Town, Shui County, is jointly organized by Jiangxi Agricultural University, Jiujiang Science and Technology Association, Jiujiang Agricultural Technology Association Federation, Xiushui County Science and Technology Association, and Xiushui County Agricultural Technology Association The association and other units jointly built the “Xiushui County Sericulture Science and Technology Yard”. The courtyard introduced the green prevention and control team of mulberry diseases and insect pests from Jiangxi Agricultural University. Professor Wei Hongyi of Jiangxi Agricultural University led 8 graduate students to take root in the production line of the sericulture base and conduct research on green prevention and control of mulberry diseases, insect pests and pesticide residues. Since its establishment, the courtyard has always adhered to the original intention of serving farmers with “zero distance, zero time difference, zero threshold, and zero cost” and kept in mind the principle of “going deep into production and understanding agriculture, going deep into the grassroots and understanding the countryside, going deep into farmers’ homes, and understanding the countryside.” The “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” mission has achieved some results in consolidating local poverty alleviation results and promoting rural revitalization.

Integrate scientific and technological team resources to help rural areas Talent revitalization. Relying on Jiangxi Agricultural University’s educational advantages of “taking agriculture as its advantage, biotechnology as its characteristic, and multi-disciplinary coordinated development” and with the support of the provincial sericulture industry technology system, a “Green Prevention and Control of Mulberry Tree Diseases and Pests” team was established to settle in the science and technology courtyard. The members include 1 professor, 3 associate professors, 1 doctoral lecturer, the director of Ganbei Station, and 8 graduate students. They also cooperate with the chief expert of the provincial sericulture system and experts from various stations to focus on Xiushui’s sericulture specialty industry, from mulberry planting to Sericulture, from production to sales, from offline to online, guides local sericulture farmers to prevent pests and diseases, promote new technologies for mulberry planting and sericulture, and provide comprehensive scientific and technological services to sericulture farmers in Huangxi Village and surrounding towns where the science and technology courtyard is located. In 2022, the Xiushui County Sericulture Science and Technology Institute conducted 21 technical trainings on sericulture pest and disease prevention and control, trained more than 600 farmers, conducted more than 100 online technical guidance, and trained 68 local experts in sericulture planting and breeding.

Take root in frontline precision services and help rural areas Industrial revitalization. Leading expert Professor Wei Hongyi led the graduate students to take root in the production line of the sericulture base. They used the 3,000-acre mulberry garden in Huangxi as the experimental base. They stayed there for a total of 260 days and wrote more than 132 logs. They adopted “sex attractant insect trap lamp + sticky insect board comprehensive management” The model carried out green prevention and control in mulberry gardens, and actively carried out the demonstration and promotion of ecological prevention and control technology of mulberry pests and diseases, so that the main pests in the mulberry garden of Huangxi Village where the Science and Technology Courtyard is located were effectively controlled, and the damage rate of mulberry borers was reduced by one-third. The damage rate of pests such as mulberry thrips has been reduced by more than 40%, and this technology has been extended to many surrounding towns and villages. The small courtyard, together with experts from the Provincial Sericulture and Tea Research Institute, Yao Jinbao and others, innovatively promoted the new sericulture model of “factoryization of small silkworms, labor-saving of large silkworms, and automation of silkworm raising” in Huangxi Village, which reduced the labor intensity of sericulture and greatly improved the efficiency of sericulture. The economic benefit is that 16 batches of silkworms can be raised throughout the year, with an annual output value of 10 million. The profit from raising silk cocoons per acre of mulberry trees reaches 8,000 yuan, and the profit from raising seed cocoons reaches 14,000 yuan. The village has become an important silkworm breeding base in the province, accounting for 10% of the total. Accounting for 85% of the provincial seed production, sericulture has become a pillar industry for people to get rich and increase their income.

Accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements to help rural areas Ecological revitalization. There are many types of mulberry tree diseases and insect pests, which cause serious damage. They not only reduce the yield and quality of mulberry leaves, but also seriously affect the safety of silkworms and ecological security due to indiscriminate spraying of pesticides. The green prevention and control team of mulberry pests and diseases of Jiangxi Agricultural University uses the science and technology courtyard as a platform to focus on the introduction and integration of non-chemical pesticide control technologies such as sex attractants, food attractants, sticky boards and insecticidal lamps for major mulberry pests. In 2 years, the team developed and issued 4 emergency plans, obtained 1 utility model patent, 1 computer software copyright, and published 5 scientific papers on the prevention and control of mulberry pests and diseases. These research and development results are currently being supplemented and improved.Develop relevant technical regulations and promote these green prevention and control technologies to the sericulture industry across the province. In 2022, this new technology was promoted to Yongxin County, Ji’an City, helping silkworm farmers and mulberry orchards to achieve good results in green prevention and control of pests and diseases.

Graduate students use practical actions to promote technology The results have been transformed into implementation, and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s earnest instructions for young students to “write their papers on the land of the motherland” have been implemented with practical actions. In August 2023, the Xiushui Sericulture Science and Technology Institute was operating well and achieved remarkable results. It was officially approved to be upgraded to a national-level science and technology institute. This is the only national-level science and technology institute in the sericulture industry in the province.


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Author: clsrich
