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Jiangsu Provincial Sericulture Research Institute: Notice on sericulture production in the winter of 2023

This autumn’s sericulture production has overcome low temperatures, rainy weather, pests and diseases Despite multiple difficulties and other difficulties, good production results …

This autumn’s sericulture production has overcome low temperatures, rainy weather, pests and diseases Despite multiple difficulties and other difficulties, good production results have been achieved. At present, the autumn silkworm production has come to an end, and work such as returning to the mountain for disinfection, garden closure and pest control, winter mulberry garden management, and silkworm seed protection are or will be carried out in order to further build a solid foundation for industrial production, promote the quality and efficiency of the industry, and ensure sericulture production. To ensure safety, all units are requested to strengthen guidance on winter sericulture production and make every effort to implement various management measures to lay a solid foundation for sericulture production next spring.

1. Do a good job in the mulberry garden in winter Management

Winter mulberry garden management is a comprehensive This important period of annual mulberry management is related to the growth of mulberry trees and the quality of mulberry leaves in the coming year.

  (1) Closure of gardens to control insects. After silkworm rearing is completed in late autumn, long-lasting pesticides such as pyrethroids should be used promptly to control pests in a “closed” manner to reduce the overwintering base of pests and reduce the pressure of pest control in the coming year. In addition, in winter, you can use 20% lime slurry to smear the tree body or spray the tree body with a lime sulfur mixture of 4 to 5 degrees Baume to prevent and control diseases and pests such as mulberry brown spot, mulberry bud blight, and mulberry scale insects.

 (2) Winter plowing and fertilization. Winter plowing can kill overwintering insect eggs in the sun and freeze, mature the soil, cut off some mulberry roots, and promote the growth of new roots. During winter plowing, it is advisable to plow shallowly near trees, and deep plowing (16 to 20 cm) far away from trees. For mulberry orchards where green manure or interplanted vegetables are planted, the soil should be plowed on both sides of the trees. For mulberry orchards without interplanting, the soil should be plowed across the entire border. Applying organic fertilizer to every acre before winter plowing, either by spreading it or applying it in trenches, can promote high and stable yields of mulberry trees in the coming year.

 (3) Pruning and pruning . Various localities have flexible control over the time and extent of pruning over the years. Tree pruning is usually carried out after winter plowing and fertilization, and ends before the Spring Festival. The cutting edge of the tree must be smooth and flat. Tip pruning is divided into winter pruning and spring pruning. Winter pruning is carried out in early to mid-November after the mulberry trees fall dormant. Spring pruning is carried out in early to mid-March of the following year. Generally, horizontal pruning is used. Pruned branches should be destroyed in a timely manner.

  (4) Extension update. According to industrial planning, various localities actively plant new mulberry gardens and expand the scale of mulberry gardens. At the same time, combined with the adjustment of the layout of the mulberry gardens, the renewal of old mulberry trees is implemented to enhance the overall advantages of the mulberry gardens, improve the group structure, and increase plant production capacity.

2. Strengthen production safety management

All localities and departments must fully understand production safety importance, and in accordance with the requirements of “safety must be managed when managing business, and safety must be managed when managing production and operations”, we must effectively strengthen production safety management.

  (1) Check for security risks. It is necessary to closely integrate local realities and carry out in-depth investigation of potential safety hazards. For problems and hidden dangers found during the investigation, it is necessary to clarify the rectification methods, rectification time limits, and responsible persons, and keep a close eye on them.Let go, grasp it to the end, ensure rectification to the end, and eliminate hidden dangers.

 (2) Implement the main responsibility. All silkworm production units must implement production safety responsibilities and measures in every position and link to build a strong line of defense for production safety. Strengthen on-duty duty, and dedicate people to be on duty at fixed points and at regular intervals for silkworm seed protection, artificial over-summering, bath disinfection and other aspects. Avoid using dangerous heating tools such as exposed electric heating pipes.

 (3) Standardize the use of mechanical equipment . It is necessary to standardize the use of drones, tillers, weeders, electric mulberry shears and other equipment to ensure the safety of the equipment and personnel.

(4) Ensure the safety of mulberry leaves . Take advantage of the opportunity to adjust the layout of mulberry gardens in winter to fill up the flower arrangement fields. In areas with conditions, buffer fields can be reasonably set up to reduce the impact of pesticide spraying on mulberry gardens, ensure the safety of leaf use, and reduce the hazards of pesticide poisoning in sericulture.

Three. Strengthen technical guidance services

Sericulture technology promotion departments at all levels must effectively Strengthen investigation and research, summarize the experience of all parties, strengthen industrial technical guidance, serve efficient sericulture production, and strive to promote high-quality development of the industry.

First, strengthen investigation and research. Focusing on the development direction of the industry and closely following the needs of industrial development, we will discover practical problems with a pragmatic style and help farmers solve practical problems.

The second is to strengthen technical guidance. Carry out online and offline technical guidance in a timely manner to ensure that key measures such as winter mulberry orchard management, mulberry orchard interplanting, silkworm seed protection, silkworm seed bath disinfection, quality inspection, and safety production are implemented in place.

The third is to strengthen publicity and guidance. Comprehensively use various media platforms such as radio, television, WeChat, and short videos to widely publicize advanced technologies, advanced experiences, and advanced practices to increase industry influence and enhance industry cohesion.

Fourth, strengthen information integration. Pay close attention to the changes in the cocoon and silk market, understand and master the production, sales, varieties, quantity, quality and other information of silkworm seeds in various places, integrate and share information, assist silkworm breeding companies and farmers to connect production and sales, and ensure that companies sell good seeds , farmers buy good seeds and work together to promote the stable development of the sericulture industry.


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Author: clsrich
