China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Characteristics of brushed fabrics (soft touch, enhanced warmth retention effect)

Characteristics of brushed fabrics (soft touch, enhanced warmth retention effect)

Nubuck fabric is a processing method that forms a velvety fabric on the surface of the fabric by sanding or turning the fine combed side upward. It has the following characteristic…

Nubuck fabric is a processing method that forms a velvety fabric on the surface of the fabric by sanding or turning the fine combed side upward. It has the following characteristics:

1. Soft feel: After the brushed fabric is processed, fine fluff will be produced on the surface of the fabric, making it very soft to the touch. This allows for a more comfortable feel when worn in brushed fabrics, giving a warm, intimate feel.

2. Enhance the thermal insulation effect: The fine fluff of the brushed fabric can form a protective layer of air to improve the thermal insulation performance of the fabric. These piles block air flow and reduce heat loss, effectively maintaining body temperature and preventing cold air from entering the interior of the garment.

3. Improve dimensional stability: By turning the fine combed surface of brushed fabrics upward, the fibers form a certain tight structure in the vertical direction. This structure increases the dimensional stability of the fabric and reduces deformation and stretching caused by use and washing.

4. Increase color saturation: After processing of brushed fabrics, the formation of fluff can increase the color saturation of the fabric surface. This makes brushed fabrics visually richer, allowing for richer, layered colors.

It should be noted that although brushed fabrics have better thermal insulation effect, they also need special attention when handling and cleaning because they have more fluff. So as not to cause the fluff to fall off or affect the appearance of the fabric. In addition, the specific characteristics of each brushed fabric may be different, so when purchasing and using it, you need to make a selection based on the actual situation and pay attention to maintenance.

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Author: clsrich
