China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Strengthening the chain and replenishing the chain, Dongping County strives to develop and expand the textile and garment industry

Strengthening the chain and replenishing the chain, Dongping County strives to develop and expand the textile and garment industry

Dongping County recently held a symposium for textile and garment enterprises to analyze industry development problems, find precise solutions, and plan the development of the indu…

Dongping County recently held a symposium for textile and garment enterprises to analyze industry development problems, find precise solutions, and plan the development of the industrial chain. Wang Bing, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Meng Guang, Vice Chairman of the County CPPCC attended the discussion.

At the meeting, representatives of various textile and garment enterprises reported and exchanged the current status of production and operation, as well as existing problems and difficulties. The departments and units participating in the meeting carefully analyzed and discussed countermeasures, and made suggestions for accelerating the development of the textile and apparel industry.

It is understood that the textile and clothing industry chain is one of the 13 industrial chains in Dongping County, which has positive significance in driving employment and increasing tax revenue. This symposium aims to help textile and garment enterprises solve problems and boost confidence, guide enterprises to share information and resources, give full play to their respective advantages, form synergy, hold together for warmth, further strengthen the chain and supplement the chain, and promote high-quality economic and social development.


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Author: clsrich
