China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Xinjiang: The area of ​​spring sowing in the region has exceeded 48 million acres, and the progress is faster than the same period last year. A good start in spring sowing has laid the foundation for a bumper harvest.

Xinjiang: The area of ​​spring sowing in the region has exceeded 48 million acres, and the progress is faster than the same period last year. A good start in spring sowing has laid the foundation for a bumper harvest.

The most important thing is spring. Since the beginning of spring, a beautiful picture of spring plowing has unfolded in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains. At present, …

The most important thing is spring. Since the beginning of spring, a beautiful picture of spring plowing has unfolded in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains.

At present, the spring sowing in our district is coming to an end. Thanks to the good climatic conditions and sufficient preparation work, the overall progress of spring sowing in the district this year is faster than that of the same period last year. So far, the spring sowing area in the region has exceeded 48 million acres, the spring wheat sowing task has been successfully completed, and the cotton sowing area has exceeded 23 million acres. The total sowing progress has exceeded 90%, and the progress is 2.4 million acres more than the same period last year.

The progress of seizing the farming season is fast

This year, Li Sancheng, a grain farmer in Kreyahad Village, Angrig Town, Wenquan County, got busy early, overhauling agricultural machinery and equipment, and preparing agricultural supplies. Reserves will be put into spring plowing production before the snow completely melts.

“This year’s spring wheat subsidy policy is good. I have planted 70 acres of spring wheat, and I hope to have another bumper harvest.” Li Sancheng said that this year he expanded the spring wheat planting area, and the staff of the local agricultural and rural departments provided agricultural supplies, Agricultural machinery maintenance and technical training provide comprehensive services to grain farmers, helping grain farmers seize the farming season and complete sowing work in a timely manner.

Tang Yiwu, Director of the Planting Industry and Pesticide Management Division of the Autonomous Region’s Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, introduced that this year, the agricultural and rural departments at all levels in our region will not miss the farming season to promote spring agricultural production work. In accordance with the “grain sown area strives to be more than “We will not reduce production every year and strive to increase production”, we will implement the sowing of grain, especially spring wheat, and implement the strategy of storing grain on the ground and storing grain in technology, and firmly grasp the initiative in food security. All localities and departments should rationally formulate irrigation and water supply plans, prioritize water supply for food crops, seize the farming season, implement the sowing plan tasks for grain and important agricultural products, increase agricultural input reserves, promptly solve difficult and difficult problems in the supply of agricultural inputs, and make plans , procurement, transportation, warehousing and other work to ensure that the demand for agricultural inputs is effectively guaranteed.

Technical guidance shows that the seedlings are in good condition

The total winter wheat output accounts for nearly 30% of the total grain output in our region and more than 60% of the rations. We must implement winter wheat field management measures to ensure stable winter wheat production. Increasing production is very important for stabilizing the annual grain output in our region.

“Affected by unfavorable factors such as the late sowing date of last year’s winter wheat, high winter temperatures, and less snowfall, the return of winter wheat in the region this year is weaker than last year.” Tang Yiwu introduced that this year, according to the In actual circumstances, targeted measures have been taken to ensure that winter wheat turns green smoothly. The Southern Xinjiang Wheat Region has done a good job in surveying the seedling condition of winter wheat after overwintering, providing “point-to-point” guidance and services to fields with deviated seedling conditions and insufficient populations, and implemented measures such as irrigation and top dressing during the greening period to promote the transformation and upgrading of seedling conditions; the Northern Xinjiang Wheat Region has coordinated We must take all aspects into consideration, do a good job in all field management tasks in spring, take effective measures to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, strive to improve the quality of seedlings, and try our best to minimize risks.

“Under the guidance of agricultural technicians, our wheat has completed many field managements such as impurity removal, watering, and pest control. The current seedlings are in good condition and the growth is even better than last year.” Wu, Shache County Ayishamu Maimaiti, a villager in Paiziawati Village, Dalik Town, said that with the help of agricultural technicians, good seeds and good technology were used in wheat planting this year, and he is confident about a bumper wheat harvest.

In order to put more practical technologies into the hands of grain farmers, during this year’s spring plowing period, the Autonomous Region’s Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xinjiang Agricultural University and other units jointly selected experts and technical backbones to form 10 on-site patching experts. The research and guidance team went deep into 14 prefectures (prefectures, cities) across Xinjiang to help farmers solve technical problems in spring plowing production, implement management measures such as fertilizer and water regulation, resolve the risk of winter wheat overwintering, and promote the implementation of key measures in the fields.

With the joint efforts of all parties, the main grain-producing areas in our region have overcome the adverse effects of the early climate. The condition and quality of winter wheat seedlings in the region are significantly better than those in the early stages of turning green. Winter wheat in southern Xinjiang has successfully entered the During the grain-filling period, winter wheat in northern Xinjiang gradually enters the booting growth stage.

Intelligent agricultural machinery shows its talents

This year, the district has invested more than one million units (sets) of agricultural machinery and equipment to support spring plowing production. Various types of intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment are galloping in the fields, including plant protection drones, water and fertilizer equipment. Intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment with high degree of automation and strong precision operation capabilities, such as integrated equipment, have come into play one after another and become the “protagonist” of spring plowing production.

Benefiting from the strong support of mechanized sowing, this year, Shaya County, a major cotton planting county, has widely promoted the “dry sowing and wet planting” cotton planting technology, achieving cost savings and efficiency gains in cotton production.

“This technology changes the previous sowing method of sowing first and then covering with film and soil to first covering with film and soil and then planting. It can be sown directly without spring irrigation. It saves water and at the same time, Achieve the growth goal of uniform, strong and even cotton seedlings.” Aizezi Ahemati, a member of Dolekun Cotton Farmers’ Professional Cooperative in Shaya County, said that this year the cooperative has 4,000 acres of land to pilot “dry sowing and wet planting” Cotton planting technology can save about 130 cubic meters of water per mu of land. The benefits of new technology are obvious.

Since the beginning of this year, the agricultural and rural departments of our district have specially organized expert technical service teams to go deep into the front lines of agricultural production to provide guidance on the maintenance of agricultural machinery, production safety, and the implementation of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policies in spring plowing production in various regions, and to help various regions promote Advanced agricultural machinery equipment and production technology to improve the level of agricultural machinery operations. While promoting agricultural machinery and equipment that are urgently needed for agricultural production in various regions, we will focus on promoting intelligent, efficient, and green agricultural machinery and equipment, and increase the initial investment in forestry and fruit industry, animal husbandry, and agricultural products.Subsidies and promotion of machinery and equipment in � and other fields have promoted the continuous improvement of the mechanization level of specialty crops in the region.

With the mutual promotion of advanced agricultural machinery and equipment and supporting planting technologies, during this year’s spring plowing period, advanced agricultural methods such as “dry sowing and wet seeding”, “precision sowing”, “wide film mulching” and “water-saving drip irrigation under the film” Production technology has been popularized throughout the region, and the comprehensive benefits of agricultural production have been further improved.


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Author: clsrich
