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Guizhou Ceheng strives to promote the sericulture industry to become bigger and stronger

With the steady development of the sericulture industry and the gradual maturity of industrial technology in Ceheng County, Guizhou Province, in order to expand the scale of the se…

With the steady development of the sericulture industry and the gradual maturity of industrial technology in Ceheng County, Guizhou Province, in order to expand the scale of the sericulture industry in the county, leaders from the Ministry of Human Resources and Armed Forces of Ceheng County have conducted many in-depth field visits and surveys since March 2022. , looking for a base suitable for the development of the sericulture industry, and finally selected the Tianping Group of Zhelou Village, Zhelou Street, as the demonstration base for mulberry breeding and sericulture by veterans, and received support from the Ceheng County Party Committee and County Government, and the coordinator of the 300-acre Tianping Group of Lou Village The land is used as a mulberry seedling planting base for the silkworm industry, and 1.2 million yuan of East-West collaborative poverty alleviation funds are coordinated. The Zhelou Subdistrict Office is responsible for tracking the construction of the industrial demonstration base. At the same time, five retired military personnel were recruited to lead the people in the county to plant mulberry and raise silkworms, develop the mulberry silkworm industry, increase the economic income of the masses, and strive to create a prosperous industry brand for retired military personnel to promote rural revitalization.

The sericulture industry has the characteristics of low investment, quick results, good market prospects, relatively stable prices and huge profits. Mulberries can be harvested three months after planting and can last for 15 to 20 years. It is a good industry to increase people’s income and make them rich.

In 2022, five retired soldiers headed by Dai Zhonghai led the workers to plant new mulberry seedlings on the mulberry leaf planting base of the Tianping Group in Zhelou Village. After more than a month, more than 900,000 new mulberry seedlings were planted Settlement has been completed on the 300 acres of land that has been transferred. Under the leadership of retired soldiers such as Dai Zhonghai, the workers weeded the mulberry seedlings every day and fertilized them regularly. By the end of July, the new mulberry seedlings had grown into lush and green mulberry trees, and the mulberry leaves had begun to be harvested to feed the silkworms.

In the past few days, silkworm farmers have been busy picking mulberry leaves in the mulberry leaf base.

“We work here every day, which not only increases our economic income, but also learns the skills of growing mulberry and raising silkworms. It can be said that we kill two birds with one stone.” Sericulture farmer Liao Wenxue said happily.

Since the silkworm house was built in early July, the sericulture industrial base has become more and more lively. Dai Zhonghai and others led the migrant workers to participate in practical learning of the newly purchased 50 silkworm seedlings from hatching to feeding to spinning and cocooning.

“We hope to involve more people in the practice of breeding silkworm seedlings and apply what they have learned. When they go back, they can independently develop the mulberry silkworm industry based on the knowledge they have learned and bring the Ceheng mulberry silkworm industry to scale. ization, promote the increase of farmers’ economic income, and effectively promote the process of rural revitalization.” Dai Zhonghai told the author.

In order to better promote the long-term and stable development of the sericulture industry and continue to help people increase their income and become rich, Ceheng County has established a military-civilian linkage mechanism and set up a special working group to insist on weekly visits, monthly surveys, quarterly consultations, and half-year consultations. Supervise and inquire about effectiveness, and continue to follow up on the construction and development of the silkworm industry. Issued a call to plant mulberry and raise sericulture to “become bigger and stronger and seek a long-term future”, and introduced many enterprises such as Guangxi Pingguo County Huimin Sericulture Technology Co., Ltd., Guizhou Tianlu Silk Co., Ltd., and Yunnan Luliangxin Qianfo Cocoon Silk Co., Ltd. to cooperate. Sign a supply and marketing contract to create an economic belt for mulberry and sericulture with functions such as planting, raising, breeding, marketing, and rough processing, to prepare for industrialization and large-scale production, and to ensure that the county’s sericulture industry becomes bigger and stronger. Promote the long-term and stable development of the sericulture industry, continue to help increase people’s economic income, and effectively consolidate the connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.


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Author: clsrich
