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Anhui Jinzhai: Silkworm industry “weaves” a path to wealth

On February 3, while driving up the mountain road, the reporter came to Zhangdian Village, Tiechong Township, Jinzhai County, Anhui Province. He saw contiguous mulberry gardens spr…

On February 3, while driving up the mountain road, the reporter came to Zhangdian Village, Tiechong Township, Jinzhai County, Anhui Province. He saw contiguous mulberry gardens spreading around the village, and the silkworm houses in the farmland were very conspicuous. . Although the Lantern Festival has not yet passed, Li Changzhu, a major sericulture farmer, is busy pruning and maintaining mulberry trees in the fields.

“There are two to three seasons of sericulture in a year. One acre of land can raise one silkworm seed in a year, and each silkworm seed can produce nearly one hundred kilograms of cocoons.” Li Changzhu said that last year he A total of about 30 silkworm seeds were raised, with an income of 50,000 to 60,000 yuan.

The development of the sericulture industry cannot be separated from the support of science and technology to strengthen agriculture. “In the past, silkworms had to be raised manually, and one person would be very busy raising one silkworm seed. Now that the level of science and technology is high, machines and equipment are also used in sericulture, and the couple can raise more than a dozen silkworm seeds at a time.” Li Changzhu told reporters , in order to promote the development of the sericulture industry, the county organized sericulture farmers to go out to learn from experience. He was also fortunate to go to Fu’an Town, Jiangsu Province to learn advanced sericulture technology and business concepts. They also took advantage of the off-season of silkworm production to start a pig breeding business, expand income-increasing channels, and stabilize the source of income.

Rural revitalization and industrial prosperity are the key. In order to ensure the long-term and stable benefits of the sericulture industry, Zhangdian Village has created a production and operation model of “collective drive, demonstration by large households, and farmer breeding”, which not only stimulates the enthusiasm of villagers to develop the industry, but also broadens the development space of the village’s collective industry. “Last year, the village collective alone raised 132 pieces of silkworm seeds and earned more than 400,000 yuan in income.” Lu Ming, secretary of the Zhangdian Village Party Branch, said.

“At present, there are more than 2,000 acres of sericulture base in the township, and there are more than a dozen large sericulture households, including 5 in Zhangdian Village. The sericulture industry is the best developed.” Wang Caizheng, deputy mayor of Tiechong Township He said that the sericulture industry has a short investment time, quick results, and broader prospects for large-scale development. Villagers are increasingly enthusiastic about planting mulberry and raising sericulture, and the scale of the sericulture industry is expanding year by year.

The reporter learned that the sericulture industry was once a traditional industry in Jinzhai County, but it gradually declined due to lack of attention to technological upgrading and other reasons. In recent years, in order to revitalize the sericulture industry, Jinzhai County has organically combined characteristic industries with ecological construction, promoted it from top to bottom, integrated the processing of derivative by-products, cultivated leading enterprises in the development of modern and standardized silk reeling, silk weaving, and mulberry cocoon series products, and opened up the market In the sales link, a complete industrial chain of mulberry cocoon silk production is formed, including planting, breeding, harvesting, production, supply and marketing.

In 2022, Jinzhai County will invest 41.926 million yuan in fiscal funds, transfer 13.6 million mulberry seedlings, covering an area of ​​approximately 15,000 acres, and build a new silkworm co-breeding room of 4,000 square meters and a sericulture greenhouse of 140,000 square meters. Five cocoon purchasing stations were built to consolidate the foundation of the sericulture industry and promote rural revitalization.


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Author: clsrich
