China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News In 2022, the mechanization level of my country’s cotton planting will be further improved.

In 2022, the mechanization level of my country’s cotton planting will be further improved.

As the world’s largest cotton producer and consumer, my country’s comprehensive cotton mechanization rate has continued to increase in recent years. In 2022, the mechan…

As the world’s largest cotton producer and consumer, my country’s comprehensive cotton mechanization rate has continued to increase in recent years. In 2022, the mechanized equipment throughout the cotton planting process, represented by combined soil preparation machines, seeders, residual film recovery machines, and pesticide sprayers, maintained a good operating situation.

1. Steady growth of the combined soil preparation machine market

my country’s tillage and land preparation machinery market will grow steadily in 2022. A total of 883,000 units of various tillage and land preparation machinery were sold throughout the year, a year-on-year increase of 8.4% . The three major categories of machinery markets for arable land, subsoiling and land preparation showed varying degrees of growth year-on-year.

In terms of joint soil preparation machines, the sales volume of my country’s joint soil preparation machines in 2022 will be approximately 22,800 units, an increase of 2,200 units compared with 2021, an increase of 10.7%. As a soil preparation machine with multiple functions, the combined soil preparation machine is an indispensable soil preparation machine in the future agricultural land preparation process and has great potential. The combined soil preparation machine market will maintain a steady growth trend in the future.

2. The seeder market stabilizes and rebounds

After rapid growth in 2019 and 2020, my country’s seeder market experienced a slight decline in 2021. In 2022, the seeder market stabilized and rebounded. , resume growth. my country’s seeder market will achieve substantial growth in 2022, with about 300 companies in the industry selling approximately 180,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 12.15% in 2021.

The sales proportion of each main type of product in the seeder market in 2022 is: no-till seeders about 32.0%, hole seeders about 20.0%, drills about 12.5%, and precision film seeders about 10.4%, and other products such as rotary tillage seeders, root crop seeders, small seed seeders and other precision seeders account for about 25.1%. In the seeder market, more traditional drills, hole seeders and other products still account for a relatively high proportion. Among them, the sales volume of precision film seeders suitable for cotton planting will be approximately 18,700 units in 2022, an increase of 2,000 units compared to 2021.

3. The market for residual film recycling machines is growing rapidly

Most of the products in the current residual film recycling market are mainly agricultural tools for recycling residual film, such as rake-tine collection agricultural tools. There are few mechanized equipment products for residual film recovery with joint operation functions. This type of equipment can complete multiple processes in a single joint operation, such as completing the combined operation of crushing cotton straw and returning it to the field and recycling residual film at one time. In 2022, my country’s residual film recycling machines will show a stable and rapid growth trend, with sales of about 3,000 units (excluding residual film recycling agricultural tools), an increase of more than 600 units compared with 2021, an increase of 27%. The overall market size of my country’s residual film recycling machines is still small. .

4. The sprayer market has grown slightly

In 2019 and 2020, my country’s sprayer market experienced a cyclical decline along with the traditional agricultural machinery market, and the market has recovered in the past two years. In 2022, the total sales volume of sprayers of more than 200 companies in my country’s sprayer industry will be approximately 60,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 4.3% in 2021.

The sales proportion of each main type of product in the sprayer market in 2022 is: power sprayers (small sprayers) about 43.0%, boom sprayers about 39.4%, and air blower sprayers About 17.6%. Among them, the sales volume of boom sprayers, the main model suitable for cotton plant protection, will be approximately 23,700 units in 2022, an increase of 1,000 units compared with 2021.

Cotton is my country’s second largest agricultural cash crop. As a national strategic reserve material, in recent years, with the promotion of agricultural modernization, agricultural mechanization and other policies, the mechanization of cotton planting has achieved rapid development. Data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs show that my country’s comprehensive mechanization rate of cotton farming and harvesting has reached 87.25% in 2021, an increase of 6.07% in the past three years. Among them, the mechanical tillage rate, mechanical sowing rate, and mechanical harvest rate are 99.44%, 90.22%, and 68.02% respectively, which have increased by 0.10%, 2.18%, and 17.89% respectively in the past three years. Preliminary estimates indicate that in 2022, the mechanization of my country’s cotton production will reach a new level, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of farming and harvesting will reach 90.46%, of which the mechanical tillage rate is 99.5%, the mechanical sowing rate is 92.06%, and the mechanical harvesting rate is 76.8%.


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Author: clsrich
