China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Seize the opportunity and ride on the momentum! Shengze’s traditional textile industry strives to change in the process of “transformation”

Seize the opportunity and ride on the momentum! Shengze’s traditional textile industry strives to change in the process of “transformation”

Focus on the transformation of traditional industries and empower Shengze to “weave” manufacturing. As one of the important textile fabric production bases in the count…

Focus on the transformation of traditional industries and empower Shengze to “weave” manufacturing.

As one of the important textile fabric production bases in the country, Shengze has Taking traditional industries to the “extreme level” has not only created a complete textile industry chain of “from a drop of oil to a piece of cloth” and “from a thread to a brand”, but also formed a 100-billion-level industry, a 100-billion-level market, and a 100-billion-level industry. The development trend of billion-level enterprises going hand in hand, and constantly climbing from “weaving base” to “fashion highland”.

On the afternoon of April 29, Wujiang High-tech Zone (Shengze Town ) convened the Silk Textile Industry Green Innovation and Development Conference and the mobilization meeting for enterprises taking the lead in industry renewal to further strengthen the development belief that “the textile industry is always a sunrise industry”. Next Determined to “make up for shortcomings”, extend the industrial chain, promote industrial renewal and product upgrading, shift from quantitative expansion to qualitative improvement, and strive to accumulate the comparative advantages of “Shengze Weaving”.

Seize the opportunity and ride on the momentum.

Nowadays, Shengze traditional industries are following the “Promote Industryintelligent, green, and integrated” is accelerating.

Transformation and upgrade It is a “hill” that enterprises must face in their development

Market development is never smooth sailing.

Currently, with rising costs, Environmental protection Under the pressure of rising environmental protection requirements and a complex international environment, Shengze Town continues to focus on its main business, strengthen its industry, and become professional. In particular, the majority of Shengze merchants are brave enough to promote innovation and stabilize growth. heavy burden.

How to realize the “renewal of old trees and new shoots” in traditional industries? Lu Junjie, general manager of Wujiang Dafei Weaving Factory, said bluntly that “upgrading” is a “hump” that enterprises must face in their development. In recent years, CMA CGM has taken the initiative to carry out equipment updates and digital transformation, creating a smart factory in Suzhou, effectively utilizing existing land resources, optimizing industrial layout, and achieving independent and organic renewal of the enterprise.

Lu Junjie said that transformation and upgrading are not just equipment updates; It is the inevitable way for enterprises to reduce labor and improve efficiency through advanced scientific management and digital, automated and intelligent development. Taking CMA CGM’s intelligent workshop as an example, after the digital transformation of the texturing machine equipment in the workshop, the number of employees has dropped from 70 to 80 to about 10. The yarn quality has been qualitatively improved, and the fabric products produced are among the best in the industry. “Benchmark” and become the designated fabric supplier for global famous brands such as Uniqlo, Shenzhou International, and Nike.

With CMA CGM Textile�� is the vane heading towards “spring”

Spring Plant One A grain of millet, a harvest of ten thousand grains in autumn.

Behind every transformation and upgrade, a new era of private enterprise is projected The courage and courage of an enterprise to be the first. Integrating into the overall transformation of traditional industries, focusing on “high quality” and cultivating “new momentum”, Shengze Enterprises has made traditional industries “eye-catching”.

Technical transformation, digitization, intelligence, etc. are means and methodologies , in the final analysis, it is to promote the development of traditional industries towards high-end development. For example, “unicorn” companies such as CMA CGM, Innovative Printing and Dyeing, and Tutech are cultivating new momentum and gaining new competitive advantages in the future by “breaking” in traditional industries.

Government and enterprises “two-way empowerment” to realize the development of traditional industries Moving towards mid- to high-end is an inevitable evolution of the textile industry and is also in line with the trend of the new development pattern. Therefore, even in the face of a complex and changeable market environment, Shengze’s private economy remains resilient.

The economic list of Shengze Town from the first quarter of this year is indeed Not easy: the town achieved general public budget revenue of 1.014 billion yuan, an increase of 11.2%; total social fixed asset investment was 1.869 billion yuan, an increase of 20.12%, of which industrial investment was 652 million yuan, an increase of 21.87%; progressExports totaled US$637 million, an increase of 0.86%; the transaction volume of China Oriental Silk Market was 29.563 billion yuan, an increase of 6.48%.

Hidden behind this is Shengze’s insistence on the real economy as support The direction of development and the firm will to “strive for the economy” are practical proof that “top-level design” dares to do something.

The reporter noticed that it was somewhat different from previous “mobilization rallies”. From the conference topics to the speeches of representatives, the “Man Tang Hong” conference all emphasized the “transformation and upgrading” and “high-quality development” of traditional industries.

This is exactly what Shengze’s “top-level design” does for the private economy and Re-examination of the importance of traditional industries – insist on promoting product upgrades, process upgrades, and equipment upgrades in traditional industries, so that old industries can “play” in new ways.

As a famous textile city that is open and inclusive, honest and innovative, pragmatic and progressive , the fashion capital, Shengze Town is adhering to the core concept of “the textile industry will always be a sunrise industry and a pillar industry, and it must never be allowed to simply withdraw.” Based on the textile industry and supported by government assistance, Shengze Town is vigorously promoting the real economy Innovative development, sustainable development, leading development, efforts to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and strive to achieve industrial transformation during the “turn”.


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Author: clsrich
