China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment Applications Manas: High temperatures persist and technology empowers to ensure a bumper cotton harvest

Manas: High temperatures persist and technology empowers to ensure a bumper cotton harvest

Recently, Manas County has experienced sustained high temperatures, with the highest temperature reaching 41℃. Now is the cotton budding period. The Manas County Agriculture Depart…

Recently, Manas County has experienced sustained high temperatures, with the highest temperature reaching 41℃. Now is the cotton budding period. The Manas County Agriculture Department has made cotton field management more intelligent through the comprehensive application of satellite remote sensing cotton full-process detection technology, field pest and disease monitoring points and other scientific and technological means. Chemicalization and precision ensure a bumper harvest of 740,000 acres of cotton.

On June 9, the Manas County agricultural technician passed the satellite Remote sensing cotton full-process detection technology helped cotton farmer Zhou Yongpeng formulate a scientific field management plan. Rows of green cotton seedlings swayed in the wind, full of vitality. Three high-horsepower tractors equipped with Beidou navigation systems were performing chemical control operations according to preset routes. The scene was a busy scene.

Member of Lesheng Planting Professional Cooperative, Letuyi Town, Manas County week The high temperature has entered these two days earlier than in previous years. They gave us timely feedback on the data and then helped us formulate a good plan to deal with the high temperature. In the past two days, we based on their big data and guidance plan, we We spray fertilizers on the leaves, which can play a role in drought resistance. At the same time, we are adding a little insecticide to control diseases and pests, so as to minimize the damage caused by high temperature in the cotton field during this period of high temperature.”

It is surrounded by the Tianshan Mountains in the south and Gurbantunggut in the north Manas County in the desert is a national-level production base for high-quality commercial cotton. In recent years, Manas County has continuously improved the level of agricultural modernization. Through full mechanization and smart field management, it has created conditions for large-scale planting, standardized production, mechanized operations, and intelligent management of the cotton industry. Now, with 740,000 acres of cotton in Manas County, we can use satellite remote sensing cotton full-process detection technology to understand the growth of cotton in detail at the first time, and conduct scientific field management through data analysis of temperature, humidity and cotton growth process. Smoothly weather the ongoing hot weather.

Shen Bo, researcher at Manas County Agricultural Technology Extension Center: ” At present, cotton has entered the budding stage one after another, and has also begun to enter reproductive growth, which is a critical period for water storage. The recent sustained high temperature, which is 20 days earlier than in previous years, will have a certain impact on our cotton. We Using satellite remote sensing, full-process detection, this digital platform, water and fertilizer integration technology, and this intelligent electric valve to classify and manage cotton accurately, we organized agricultural technicians from across the county to go deep into the field to investigate various crops. The growth situation of cotton will ensure that cotton can survive the current high temperature weather.”

Water and fertilizer management is a key factor in ensuring the normal growth of cotton. This year, the installation and application of a new intelligent irrigation system integrating water and fertilizer has allowed water, nutrients, and drugs to be more accurately transported to the root soil of cotton through drip irrigation, improving the accuracy of irrigation, fertilization, and pesticide application, and achieving water, fertilizer, and economic savings. The reduction of pesticide application has reached about 20%, which has improved the utilization rate of fertilizers by 10% and the utilization rate of chemical pesticides by more than 6%.

Member of Lesheng Planting Professional Cooperative, Letuyi Town, Manas County Zhou Yongpeng: “We have basically re-modified electric valves in the field. Electric valves do have many benefits in this field application. First, it saves labor, time and effort.”The cost should also be reduced accordingly. Secondly, in terms of water and fertilizer, we based on the field data fed back by the big data fed back to us by the agricultural department of the county, and then we can operate the water and fertilizer management on our mobile phones. More water is needed. We will give a little more, and the same goes for fertilizer application. In this case, it means that the corresponding water and fertilizer are still the same, but it will play its maximum role. ”

Satellite remote sensing cotton full-process detection technology, smart agricultural irrigation and water saving The application of systems and modern mechanization has made the management of the 1,000 acres of cotton fields planted by Zhou Yongpeng, a member of the Lesheng Planting Professional Cooperative in Letuyi Town, Manas County, more convenient and scientific.

Zhou Yongpeng, a member of the Lesheng Planting Professional Cooperative in Letuyi Town, Manas County: “Our cotton cultivation has now changed from the previous individual farmers, The small-holding planting model is basically following this cooperative model, and then large-scale mechanization, the area is larger, and the mechanization efficiency is higher. Then the quality of the cotton we grow is better, and the yield is also higher. The yield is now higher than before. When small households operating an area of ​​​​acre used 200 to 300 kilograms, now they can basically guarantee around 500 kilograms. Not only has the output increased, but the quality has also improved accordingly. ”

Sustained high temperature weather has increased the load on drip irrigation facilities and Electricity consumption. In order to ensure the power supply for agricultural irrigation, State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. organized maintenance technicians to inspect and maintain power supply equipment in various township substations in a planned manner, eliminate hidden dangers in power supply equipment in a timely manner, and ensure safe power supply during the peak period of agricultural drip irrigation in summer.

Yan Fudong, Distribution Salesman of State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd.: ” There are 78 kilometers of 10 kV lines in our jurisdiction, of which rural power grid lines account for 80%. Recently, in response to high temperature weather, we have carried out special inspections of rural power grid lines, conducting special inspections of pump rooms, water wells, and their transformers, and inspecting their use. Electrical equipment is inspected to ensure that farmers are dripping water and using electricity normally during hot weather. ”


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Author: clsrich
