China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Fenggang, Guizhou: Technology empowerment helps the transformation and upgrading of the sericulture industry

Fenggang, Guizhou: Technology empowerment helps the transformation and upgrading of the sericulture industry

In recent years, Fenggang County has focused on simplification, labor saving, standardization and scale As the direction, introduce and promote labor-saving and cost-saving technol…

In recent years, Fenggang County has focused on simplification, labor saving, standardization and scale As the direction, introduce and promote labor-saving and cost-saving technologies such as automated monitoring systems, automatic temperature control systems, lifting sericulture tables, and semi-automatic reeling, continuously improve the technological level of sericulture, and accelerate the sericulture industryTransformation and upgrading; Three transformations have been achieved: “from expanding the area to solidifying the area, from growing mulberry well to managing mulberry well, and from raising sericulture to raising sericulture well.”

In the silkworm house of Huang Zhiqiang, a major sericulture farmer in Yonghua Community, Yonghe Town Here, he is installing and debugging semi-automatic winding equipment with workers. On the newly installed silkworm cocoons, the “silkworm babies” scrambled to find a place to form cocoons and spin silk. Huang Zhiqiang told reporters that this was the first batch of silkworms he raised this year, totaling 50 silkworms. Different from previous years, this year new equipment such as semi-automatic silkworm feeding machines and monorail transporters were installed, which greatly saved time and labor costs.

Huang Zhiqiang, a major sericulture farmer, said: “In the past, our traditional breeding methods , not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also poor in efficiency. Later we introduced semi-automatic silkworm feeding machines and monorail transporters, which saved costs and improved efficiency.”

In order to save space in the silkworm room and improve economic efficiency, the Fenggang County Sericulture Cooperative in Huangjing Village, Evolution Town installed a lifting type silkworm The new equipment of the silkworm table and the push-pull transmission silkworm table originally could only support 15 silkworm beds. After the new equipment was installed, an additional 20 silkworm beds could be raised. In the silkworm room, workers were busy raising silkworms and binding silkworms, making the scene very busy.

Zhao, head of silkworm breeding at Fenggang County Sericulture Cooperative Association Song said: “We now use a lifting silkworm platform and a push-pull conveyor silkworm platform, which saves space in the silkworm room and improves feeding efficiency.”

Similarly, in the sericulture demonstration base of Zunyi Star Silk Road Biotechnology Co., Ltd. located in Tuxi Town, the company fully relies on technology empowerment to build silkworms in the silkworm room. Intelligent monitoring equipment is installed inside to monitor the temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide and other data in the large silkworm room in real time, making technology a “good helper” for silkworm farmers to raise silkworms.

Responsible for the Silkworm Demonstration Base of Zunyi Star Silk Road Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Liang Wenquan said: “I can watch some situations in the silkworm room anytime and anywhere on my mobile phone, and can also monitor the temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide and other data in the silkworm room, which has greatly improved my silkworm raising level.”

Extend technology to the fields, vigorously promote smart agriculture, and control mulberry plant diseases and pests Forecasting is the key to developing the sericulture industry. At the mulberry garden base of Shiba Village, Tuxi Town, a complete monitoring system is collecting various data, continuously providing agricultural technical service personnel with real and reliable data to protect the healthy growth of the mulberry garden.

Tian Zhi, a technician at the Tuxi Town Agricultural Service Center, said: ” After the installation of this smart monitoring system, it has also provided us with a lot of convenience in providing services to mulberry farmers. It can monitor the trends of diseases and insect pests in real time, and promptly remind mulberry farmers to deal with special situations, ensuring that silkworm farmers can steadily increase their income.”

In order to improve the technological level of sericulture and promote the development of local smart agriculture, Fenggang County took advantage of the opportunity of collaboration between the east and the west to establish a new plant in Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City. With the support, more than 24 million yuan was invested, of which more than 2 million was used to purchase new sericulture equipment, to comprehensively implement intelligent control of the co-cultivating environment for small silkworms, simplify the rearing of large silkworms, modernize sericulture machinery, and automate cocoon harvesting on the cocoons. Device.

At present, there are supporting demonstration sites for co-breeding of small silkworms in the county There are 20 automatic temperature control systems, 3 mulberry pest and disease monitoring and forecasting points have been built, 1 intelligent insect alarm lamp, 1 intelligent spore trap, 3 remote monitoring units; 18 sets of silkworm room monitoring and monitoring equipment, infrared 4G high-definition network With 9 smart ball machines, the labor-saving and cost-saving sericulture technology is gradually promoted throughout the county, boosting the transformation and upgrading of Fenggang’s sericulture industry.

Gong Jun, head of the Fenggang County Sericulture Office, said: “Fenggang County will continue to insist on building the first county in the sericulture industry in Guizhou Province and further promote the use of monorail transport vehicles. Mulberry leaves, factory-based sericulture, intelligent sericulture, intelligent monitoring of mulberry gardens, labor-saving sericulture and other machinery and equipment to expand the industrial chain enterprises and cultivate strong Potential enterprises, support family farms, work together to build a modern agricultural smart sericulture industrial park, establish a new sericulture technology system with the main characteristics of scale, mechanization, digitization and standardization, and strive to promote Fenggang’s sericulture industry to a high levelQuality development. ”


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Author: clsrich
