China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News Zhaotong Zhenxiong: “Wealth Silk” Weaves Farmers’ “Happy Dream”

Zhaotong Zhenxiong: “Wealth Silk” Weaves Farmers’ “Happy Dream”

In midsummer, Qixin Village, Zhongtun Town, Zhenxiong County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province The fruit mulberry base is lush and green, and the large mulberry leaves are particular…

In midsummer, Qixin Village, Zhongtun Town, Zhenxiong County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province The fruit mulberry base is lush and green, and the large mulberry leaves are particularly dazzling under the sunlight. Looking from a distance, groups of green tree crowns form a green ocean, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. For local silkworm farmers, this is not only a beautiful scenery, but also their “green nursing home” and a source of happiness.

Now is the time to harvest the first batch of silkworm cocoons this year. Zhao Zeying, a 71-year-old silkworm farmer in Qixin Village, carefully lays down a layer of mulberry leaves for the silkworms that are about to spin cocoons. Zhao Zeying raised two species of silkworms this season. She has two years of experience in raising silkworms and told reporters that these silkworms will spin cocoons in two or three days. Based on the fact that each silkworm seed produces about 50 kilograms of cocoons and the purchase price is 52 to 56 yuan per kilogram, Zhao Zeying’s batch of cocoons will be sold for 5,000 to 6,000 yuan.

Zhao Zeying is a household that has been lifted out of poverty in Qixin Village. In his early years, due to his poor family, the elderly I also thought about supplementing my family income by raising silkworms. However, not only was traditional sericulture hard and labor-intensive, but also because the silkworms had poor disease resistance and were difficult to find sales channels, which would cause losses and bring more difficulties to the family. Therefore, Zhao Zeying gave up this business. idea. The arrival of Zhenxiong Wumeng Impression Biotechnology Co., Ltd. made Zhao Zeying pick up this idea again.

Zhenxiong Wumeng Impression Biotechnology Co., Ltd. settled in 2018 After the town was established, the “Ten Thousand Enterprises Prosper Ten Thousand Villages” pairing assistance agreement was established with Qixin Village in Zhongtun Town, Changba Village in Changba Town, Canghai Village in Yanyuan Town, and Mohei Village in Muzhuo Town. Through land transfer , using the “company + R&D unit + village collective economy + base + farmers” model, more than 10,000 acres of fruit and mulberry industry planting bases have been built in the county, laying the foundation for silkworm breeding. It also closely connects the company with farmers by providing working positions and demonstrating how to raise sericulture for farmers, and encourages left-behind elderly people, disabled people and weak laborers to actively participate in sericulture planting and breeding, so as to increase the income of the masses and solve the pension problems of left-behind elderly people. question.

At the same time, the company has established a professional silkworm breeding technical guidance The team established small silkworm co-breeding centers in four administrative villages, and sent the silkworms from co-breeding to Ermianxing to the homes of silkworm farmers free of charge. They provided free silkworm breeding technology and signed a guaranteed purchase agreement for silkworm cocoons, and allowed farmers to Under the guidance of the company’s technicians, they can enter mulberry gardens to pick mulberry leaves for free, reducing farmers’ investment in planting and maintaining mulberry trees, and eliminating worries caused by the lack of silkworm breeding technology and sales channels.

 ”I want to raise three seasons of silkworms this year, two in each season If you breed silkworms, it shouldn’t be a problem to earn ten or twenty thousand yuan. I never thought I could make money on my own at this age.” Calculating this year’s income, old man Zhao Zeying’s face was not only filled with the joy of a good harvest, but also an extra pride. As a way to make money, raising silkworms makes Zhao Zeying no longer a left-behind old man who only knows how to farm and raise grandchildren.

Lu Shaocui, an old man in his early 60s who had the same feeling, passed Working at the base realized his value in his later years.

 ”Weeding, fertilizing, picking mulberries, picking mulberry leaves… …It’s all hand work, not tiring, and I still earn more than 100 yuan a day.” Lu Shaocui told reporters that he and his wife would work at the base during their spare time, and they could earn almost 30,000 yuan a year. .

 ”While your body is still strong, reducing some of the burden on your children shows that you are still useful. “Speaking, Lu Shaocui laughed happily.

Up to now, Zhenxiong Wumeng Impression Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has provided 36 free training sessions on sericulture and breeding skills for farmers, with a total of more than 2,000 trainees. The radiation has driven 1,052 households around the base to create and increase income, and attracted 517 rural households covering the base to become shareholders; promotion There are more than 70 sericulture demonstration households, raising a total of more than 470 silkworm seeds, which has led to a stable income increase of more than 5 million yuan for surrounding farmers.

With the help of new concepts and new technologies, the ancient sericulture industry is full of vitality and has become the “golden key” for people to increase their income and become rich.

“We plan to coordinate the remaining 20,000 acres of scattered sericulture resources in the county and spread them throughout the county. Promote the labor-saving sericulture model, shorten the sericulture cycle, improve the quality of sericulture, improve the efficiency of sericulture, and find a way to increase income for more left-behind people. , contributing the power of the sericulture industry to the county’s rural revitalization. ” said Wang Tianyong, general manager of Zhenxiong Wumeng Impression Biotechnology Co., Ltd.


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Author: clsrich
