China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment Applications Shaoxing Textile Industry “Carbon Footprint Logo” Certification Mark (Logo) Collection Campaign Launched

Shaoxing Textile Industry “Carbon Footprint Logo” Certification Mark (Logo) Collection Campaign Launched

Recently, the “Carbon Footprint Logo” certification mark (Logo) of the textile industry in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province ) solicitation activity has been officially …

Recently, the “Carbon Footprint Logo” certification mark (Logo) of the textile industry in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province ) solicitation activity has been officially launched to collect publicly the textile industry “Carbon Footprint Logo” certification mark (Logo) design plans from the whole society. This solicitation activity will last until October 15, 2023.

   In April 2023, Shaoxing City’s carbon peak will be carbon neutral The Office of the Working Leading Group released the “Shaoxing Textile Industry “Carbon Footprint Label” Certification Pilot Implementation Plan. This plan was formulated by the Shaoxing Municipal Market Supervision Bureau in conjunction with relevant departments. It is the first textile industry “Carbon Footprint Label” certification among prefecture-level cities in the country. implementation plan.

   The launching ceremony of the “Carbon Footprint Marking” certification of the textile industry was held in Shaoxing Ke Bridge held

  The “Implementation Plan” adopts a city-district linkage approach , carry out pilot trials through standards, testing, certification and other means to help textile printing and dyeing enterprises cope with international green trade barriers and guide consumers to choose low-carbonEnvironmentally friendly products help achieve the goal of peak carbon neutrality and enhance the international level of my country’s “carbon footprint” work.

  Detailed introduction of the event

   1. Collection content

    Shaoxing Textile Industry “Carbon Footprint Marking” Certification Mark

   2. Collection time

   From now until October 15, 2023.

   3. Application conditions

   Natural persons, legal persons or other social organizations who are willing to participate in this event can submit works.

  IV. Requirements for submitted works

   1. The theme is clear. The design should be based on the theme of “Carbon Footprint Label” certification, highlight the concepts of low carbon, environmental protection, and sustainable development, and reflect the characteristics and characteristics of Shaoxing’s textile industry.

   2. The design is novel and conducive to promotion. It has a high level of artistic appeal and visual impact, has a distinct symbolic meaning, takes into account both internationality and locality, emphasizes the recognition of the design, and is conducive to international orientation. Market promotion and application.

   3. The file format of the submitted works is JPG Or GIF file.

   4. Design description. Contestants need to submit Design documents, including design drawings, design descriptions, design concepts, etc., are accompanied by creative descriptions of logo design, including conceptual descriptions of design drawings and drawing specifications (drawing size, proportion, color value, etc.).

   5. The submitted works must be original, ensure their originality, and must not infringe on the rights of others Intellectual property rights. The collector has the ownership, full right to use, registration, copyright, and the right to make appropriate modifications when using the winning works.

   5. Rewards

   One first prize with a bonus of RMB 5,000;

   2 second prizes, each with a bonus of RMB 2,000;

   3 third prizes, each with a bonus of RMB 1,000;

   There will be 6 finalists, each with a bonus of RMB 500.

   The first prize works will be selected for this solicitation. plan, the author must sign a copyright transfer commitment letter with the event organizer.

  6. Submission method

  Send the submitted works by email to the designated email address of the solicitor: [email protected] Please specify the email address : Carbon footprint certification mark (LOGO) + designer’s name + contact number.

   7. Selection method

   1. Primary selection. All collected works will be re-evaluated after preliminary selection organized by the organizer.

   2. Review again. The organizer organizes an expert review team to score the works that have entered the re-evaluation and select the shortlisted works.

   3. Publicity. The shortlisted works will be publicized on the website of Shaoxing Municipal Administration for Market Regulation for 5 working days.

   4. Announcement. After the publicity period expires, the final selected works will be announced on the Shaoxing Municipal Market Supervision and Administration website.

  The final right of interpretation of this solicitation belongs to Shaoxing Market Supervision Owned by the Authority. Participating in the solicitation activity shall be deemed to agree to and abide by the rules of this activity.

The works submitted for re-evaluation will be scored and the shortlisted works will be selected.

   3. Publicity. The shortlisted works will be publicized on the website of Shaoxing Municipal Administration for Market Regulation for 5 working days.

   4. Announcement. After the publicity period expires, the final selected works will be announced on the Shaoxing Municipal Market Supervision and Administration website.

  The final right of interpretation of this solicitation belongs to Shaoxing Market Supervision Owned by the Authority. Participating in the solicitation activity shall be deemed to agree to and abide by the rules of this activity.


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Author: clsrich
