The impact of the quality of dyeing auxiliaries

If the printing and dyeing process is compared to “cooking”, then the dyeing auxiliaries used are indispensable seasonings, and the quality of the auxiliaries is direct…

If the printing and dyeing process is compared to “cooking”, then the dyeing auxiliaries used are indispensable seasonings, and the quality of the auxiliaries is directly related to the appearance and taste of the “dish”.

However, the reporter found in a recent inquiry that for raw material suppliers in the printing and dyeing industry, the quotations of dyes have continued to rise sharply, while the quotations of printing and dyeing auxiliaries have been stable, and even individual products have fallen. Industry experts said that due to fierce competition and endless cost pressure, many printing and dyeing factories attach great importance to the unit price of auxiliaries, but are very vague about unit production costs, not to mention dosage, efficiency, rework, repairs, etc. Summarize unit costs. “The current competition in additives is also fierce. Under the pressure of raw material costs, it is difficult to achieve high quality and low price.” The person in charge of an additive production company said when interviewed by reporters.

Substandard clothing such as color fastness is mostly caused by unqualified additives

Since there are so many types of printing and dyeing auxiliaries, the quality of many products can only be known through testing. Incidents in printing and dyeing companies often cause textile fabrics to be unqualified or overrun due to auxiliary problems, resulting in loss.

In early June this year, a garment processing company in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province declared a batch of Italian imported clothing fabrics to the Wenzhou Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, with a quantity of 2,835 meters and a value of US$41,800, for suit processing. The inspectors took samples and sent them to a qualified laboratory for testing. The results showed that the water color fastness of the fabric with the item number 499317EDMONDSTRETCH5965 was cotton staining level 2, and the water color fastness was cotton staining and alkali resistance level 2, which did not meet the relevant Chinese standards.

Clinical medicine shows that when textiles with poor color fastness come into contact with the human body, dye molecules and heavy metal ions can be absorbed by the human body through the skin and harm human health. In addition, it may contaminate other clothing worn on the body, and may stain other clothing when washed with other clothing. To this end, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine issued the national mandatory specification “National Basic Safety Technical Specifications for Textiles” (GB18401-2010) on January 14, 2011, which clearly stipulated that the color fastness to water and perspiration color fastness should not be less than level 3 .

On June 4, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province launched a city-wide special inspection of clothing quality in the circulation field. A total of 20 batches of clothing were randomly inspected, of which 13 batches were unqualified, with a failure rate of 65%. The main problems are that the fiber content of the product does not match the actual content, formaldehyde excess, pH value excess, product color fastness does not meet the standards, and incomplete labeling.

“Formaldehyde overspending, pH value overspending, and product color fastness not meeting standards are mainly problems in the use of printing and dyeing auxiliaries and finishing techniques.” Industry experts said in an interview with reporters, “This is in line with the emphasis that many printing and dyeing companies place on masters. As a result, regardless of objective comparison, the company’s supervisor (or master) will use some additives and techniques based on his own experience and habits and reject other products.

This is partly driven by interests, but is also constrained by insufficient knowledge and skills. They are unable to distinguish between good and bad additives and do not dare to use new additives. This is especially true in low-end bleaching and dyeing, washing and dyeing, denim and other industries, which can easily lead to long-term problems such as environmental failure, large batch differences, unstable quality, high actual costs, and difficulty in developing new products. ”

The auxiliary market is a mixed bag and small companies are struggling to operate

With the development of the printing and dyeing industry, as dyeing auxiliaries for upstream products, many auxiliary production companies have sprung up in Shishi, Fujian, Shaoxing and Xiaoshan, Zhejiang and other places in recent years.

According to the reporter’s knowledge, there are nearly 3,000 domestic printing and dyeing auxiliary production companies, mainly private companies, mainly concentrated in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, of which there are more than 600 in Jiangsu and more than 300 in Zhejiang. Other companies are scattered in Shanghai and Shandong. In places such as Guangdong and Guangdong, most companies have small production scales, relatively single product categories, low industry concentration, and fierce competition. According to data calculated by the China Petroleum and Petrochemical Equipment Industry Association, in 2013, among the domestic companies producing printing and dyeing auxiliaries, there were three companies with a production capacity of more than 50,000 tons.

What is the current status of auxiliary production? Since August last year, the Shaoxing Quality Supervision Department has conducted random inspections of auxiliary production units in Keqiao District for the first time. During the random inspection, it was found that the product quality qualification rate was low. Among the more than 70 auxiliary manufacturers in Keqiao District, only 43 family standardization unit. “Even among the ‘standard army’, there are still situations where there are no production standards, that is, ‘non-standard’ households.” The relevant person in charge of the quality supervision department said that the Keqiao District additive market is a mixed bag.

“It is currently difficult for small auxiliary companies to survive. In the future, the competitive pattern of the textile auxiliary industry will be positioned in the mid-to-high-end market, environmentally friendly technologies and high value-added functional products.” A person in charge of an auxiliary production company marked.

Environmental pressure will filter out some small companies in favor of large companies

In the past two years, the national environmental protectionWith the introduction of strict regulations, governments at all levels have strengthened their supervision of environmental protection, and have resolutely suspended production and taken sanctions against companies that fail to meet environmental standards. This has also accelerated the reshuffle of the printing and dyeing auxiliaries industry.

During the interview, the reporter learned that most printing and dyeing auxiliary production companies are located in chemical industry parks, and implement “three wastes” management and supervision at the company and park levels. Some parks can actually achieve zero wastewater discharge and reuse all reclaimed water, but this has virtually increased company costs, and some companies have no choice but to be eliminated because they cannot afford it.

Industry experts said in interviews with reporters that the demand for printing and dyeing auxiliaries mainly comes from textile printing and dyeing, and the development of the textile industry is conducive to driving a steady increase in domestic demand for printing and dyeing auxiliaries. According to the national “Industrial Textiles “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” Development Plan”, “printing and dyeing finishing” technology will become one of the key points of development and adjustment. “It is expected that as the technical content and green barriers of printing and dyeing auxiliary products increase, domestic market competition will gradually transition to high-end and differentiation. The leading domestic printing and dyeing auxiliary manufacturers will rely on their advantages in scale, technology and environmental protection. There will be greater room for development.”

The downstream customers of textile auxiliaries, printing and dyeing factories, are currently relatively scattered in China. As the pressure on environmental protection continues to increase, industry integration will be accelerated, and the general trend in the future will be towards concentration. Correspondingly, the textile auxiliaries industry will also concentrate on leading companies with technical and service advantages.

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Author: clsrich
