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adidas moisture absorption and quick drying test standards

adidas water absorption test Purpose: The purpose is to evaluate the ability of water to penetrate from the inside of the fabric to the outside of the fabric after the fabric absor…

adidas water absorption test


The purpose is to evaluate the ability of water to penetrate from the inside of the fabric to the outside of the fabric after the fabric absorbs water.


This test is not intended to provide an absolute measure of a fabric’s ability to absorb water. Other factors such as construction, fabric type, dyes or post-processing can affect a fabric’s ability to absorb water. This test can only provide a rough test indicator of fabric water absorption.

Generally, the lower the ratio, the better the fabric absorbs water. This test is specifically aimed at fabrics that have been treated to absorb water.


A certain amount of distilled water (PH: 5.5-7.5) or level 3 water is dropped on the back of the fabric, and the time from dripping to water being absorbed by the fabric is recorded.

The test includes water absorption tests before washing and after 5 washing and drying, 10 washing and drying cycles.


50ml graduated cylinder (A grade)

The measuring cylinder must not be cracked or broken


Desktop with fluorescent lamp on top


Grade 3 water or distilled water with a temperature of 20±2℃

Test sample preparation:

Test samples should be tested before and after washing

Prepare a 20cm×20vm test sample as the original sample

Prepare two more test samples as above: 5 washes and 5 dryers, 10 washers and 10 dryers (use household washing method 4.02 or 4.03)

Samples cannot be taken from areas with creases

Before cutting the sample, mark the front of each sample outside the test range

If necessary, prevent fabric abrasion on specimen edges by washing.


Before testing, the sample must regain moisture for at least 4 hours in an environment with a temperature of 20±2°C and a relative humidity of 65±2%.

The test should be carried out under constant temperature conditions.

Operating Procedure:

Test the back of the fabric;

Turn the specimen face down.

Place the dropper 1cm above the sample, drop a drop of water on the back of the sample (water droplet size requirement: 15-20 drops/ml is the appropriate size of water droplets that can be produced), and start timing.

When the water droplets are completely absorbed by the fabric, stop timing.

Record the total time from dripping to when the water is absorbed.

Repeat the test four times at the other four positions of the sample to obtain a total of five data.

Calculation of water absorption: Remove the large and small values ​​from the 5 measured data, and then average the remaining three data.


When testing perforated or thin fabrics, fold the fabric into at least two layers for testing. Additionally, the water may wet the tabletop underneath instead of actually testing the fabric, which could cause the results to be misjudged.

For fabrics that are already seamless, the test should be done using the flat side of the fabric.

Test Report:

Use adidasGroup’s standard report format

Record the average water absorption results for each sample

Original fabric

after 5 washes and 5 dryings

after 10 washes and 10 dryings

Test standards

Low requirements

Water absorption conditions

Knitting: ≤2s Weaving: ≤5s


Seamless fit fabric (knitted and woven): ≤5s

adidas absorbs moisture and dries quickly


The purpose is to measure the time it takes for a fabric to absorb a certain amount of water until it completely evaporates and dries.


Weigh the fabric sample, then drop distilled water (PH: 5.5-7.5) or grade 3 water on the balance, carefully place the fabric in the center of the balance, cover the front side of the fabric with the water, and then weigh again after 30 minutes.


Small bore dropper or pipette;

A balance with an accuracy of 0.001g



Distilled water or third-grade water

Test sample preparation:

Mark the front side of the fabric.

Use a disc sampler to take a 100cm² round sample, which is used as a test sample before fabric washing;

Then take a sample of approximately 50×50cm from the fabric.

After 5 washings and 5 dryings, use a disk sampler to take a 100cm² round sample.

Then wash and dry for 5 more times, until 10 wash and 10 dry, and then use the disk sampler to take another test sample as above.

All the above prepared specimens are tested according to the same test procedure.


All samples shall be allowed to regain moisture for at least 4 hours at a temperature of 20±2℃ and a relative humidity of 65±2%, including washed and tumble dried samples.

The test should be carried out under constant temperature conditions.

Operating Procedure:

Place the sample on the balance, weigh and record its weight;

Remove the sample from the balance;

Put a drop of 0.04±0.005g distilled water or tertiary water on the balance from the dropper or pipette, and record the weight;

Immediately place the sample (with the back facing the water), and gently place the sample in the center of the balance so that it can completely absorb the water;

Record the total weight of fabric and water;

Start timing immediately.

End the test after 30 minutes (for seamless fabrics, the time is about 40 minutes)

Record weight

The moisture transmission performance test can only be achieved after 5 washes, 5 dryings and 10 washes and 10 dryings

Repeat with the washed swatch.

Evaluation results:

If the fabric does not return to its original weight before water dripping after 30 minutes (40 minutes for seamless fabrics), the remaining water droplets must be calculated as a percentage of the original weight.

Test Report:

Use adidasGroup’s standard report format;

Record the moisture absorption and quick drying time of the fabric in the original, after 5 washings and 5 dryings and after 10 washings and 10 dryings;

Test standards

Low requirements

Moisture absorption and quick drying time of fabrics before washing, after 5 washes and 5 dryers and after 10 washes and 10 dryers

After 30 minutes, the weight is 0.0gm


Remaining water droplets ≤ 20% of original weight

Note: For seamless fabric

After 40 minutes, the weight is 0.0gm


Remaining water droplets ≤ 20% of original weight

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Author: clsrich
