China garment – garment brands, garment information, garment media Garment News 18 well-known brands of clothing have zero emissions of harmful substances

18 well-known brands of clothing have zero emissions of harmful substances

Recently, the second “Stakeholder Seminar on Hazardous Chemical Substances in the Textile Industry” was held in Shanghai. The meeting was organized by the China Textile…

Recently, the second “Stakeholder Seminar on Hazardous Chemical Substances in the Textile Industry” was held in Shanghai. The meeting was organized by the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation and the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemical Substances Contracting Brands Federation (ZDHC).

Liu Zhaobin, engineer of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, Sun Ruizhe, vice president of the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation, and Yan Deshun, vice president of global social and environmental affairs of ZDHC on behalf of Adidas Group, attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

The meeting introduced the progress of the ZDHC Joint Roadmap for Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemical Substances in the past year, focusing on the “Manufacturing Restricted Substances List” (MRSL) and the actions organized by ZDHC, and focused on the transparent disclosure of information on the use of chemicals. and work discussions on issues such as training and auditing. The meeting aims to promote the textile industry and the chemical industry to form upstream and downstream industries to further improve standards, collaborate and innovate, and maintain dialogue, communication and cooperation with various stakeholders to jointly promote environmental safety and health and safety.

Liu Zhaobin pointed out at the meeting that international brand companies jointly advocate the goal of achieving zero emissions by 2020, which is conducive to the safety and health of consumer products, the protection of the ecological environment, and the upgrading of the industry. It is a great environmental project. It is recommended that relevant industries should speed up the improvement and formulation of standards, accelerate innovation in technology, management, and systems, and at the same time strengthen cooperation, use the industrial commons model, and promote the realization of this goal through industrial cooperation platforms.

Sun Ruizhe emphasized that as an important part of the industry’s social responsibility, all stakeholders in the textile industry’s supply chain should seek common ground while reserving differences and be consistent with the government’s environmental protection goals. At the same time, they should maintain a good dialogue mechanism with consumers to jointly achieve the goals of chemicals. Environmental safety and human health safety.

As a representative of ZDHC, Yan Deshun called at the meeting, hoping that member companies in the ZDHC joint roadmap would gradually reduce the use and handling of harmful chemicals in the production process, and at the same time actively promote the zero-emission goal with supply chain partners.

In order to further promote supply chain cooperation on environmental management in the textile industry, China Textile Federation is currently establishing an environmental impact information exchange system for the textile industry. Hu Kehua, deputy director of the Social Responsibility Office of China Textile Federation, focused on the chemical information exchange model and methods to help textile supply Chemical companies and printing and dyeing companies in the chain share chemical safety information, improve and optimize chemical management in the production process, and provide convenience for reducing transaction links and improving supply chain efficiency.

ZDHC currently includes 18 world-famous clothing brand companies. Currently, ZDHC has established a framework for the priority reduction of hazardous chemicals, developed a Production Restricted Substances List (MRSL) for the gradual elimination of priority chemicals, created a substance research list, and completed several related benchmark studies. Tests were conducted at more than 20 factories in China, Bangladesh, and India, and about 150 kinds of substances were analyzed. Starting from 2015, it has promoted the application of the Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) in its member supply chains.

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Author: clsrich
